Fall Fishing at Home & San Huberto

Fall Fishing & Fly Ants

We're gearing up for a month of fall fishing here on Fishing Creek. The stream is in great sha09 fall on Fishing Creek.0033pe thanks to last week's rain, the Insects flying ants BC BECK IMAGE 070004leaves are beginning to turn color, and the fishing is good.  We still have some days available for guiding if you'd like to get away for a day or two.  Fall is our favorite time of year and the season is just too darn short! With fall comes swarms of flying ants and if you're lucky enough to be on the stream when the ants appear you'll enjoy some exceptional fishing – if you have flying ants in your fly box! So do get out and enjoy the season and don't leave home without flying ants!


One Room at San Huberto  
March 25 – April 3

We have one room available at San Huberto, Argentina. Patagonia is a favorite destination for us and the Rio Malleo is an all time favorite. With miles and miles of spring creek flowing through Estancia San Huberto, you may not want to go home! Private beats, super guides, great accommodations. Come with us for a week of beautiful fall fishing. View the itinerary and let us know!


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Simon Gawesworth is in town!

Spey Clinic

As we write this week's blog, Simon Gawesworth is in the second day of his spey casting clinic. After the morning session here on the pond, the group had a great afternoon on the Susquehanna River at Bloomsburg. It was a fun day with the spey master and everyone learned a lot! Today looks like a repeat of yesterday. Thank you Simon.



Fall Fishing

As you can see, we're continuing to have beautiful fall weather, the stream is in great shape and fishing as been very good. The long range forecast indicates above average temperatures will be with us for awhile, so if you can get away for a day or two give us a call. We'll keep guiding as long as the weather holds.

guiding   IMG 0663

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Our Spring Guiding Season & Cathy's RIO Blog


Our guiding season will soon be winding down for the summer.  We've had a great season here on Fishing Creek and lots of nice fish have been caught.  We'll be back in full swing in the fall so feel free to call our office anytime to schedule a day or two of guided fishing or instruction.  Here are some photos our guides shared with us from their days on the stream. 

Guiding Spring 2015

RIO Blog

Also, Cathy was featured on RIO's blog a few weeks ago and I missed sharing it with you.  Here is the link- We hope you'll like her story about the baby Tarpon in Campeche, Mexico.  Enjoy!


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Office Update

For our blog this week I wanted to fill everyone in on what's going on here at the Becks. It seems like our work changes with the seasons. As soon as the weather started to show signs of spring, we were bombarded with phone calls for guiding. I guess you were all as anxious to get outside and on the water as I am to get my gardens 0032 BC BECK   2015started! So here in the office we've been busy scheduling guides and setting up casting lessons with Cathy. Our guides tell us that the Hendrickson hatch this year here at home has been one of the heaviest in years and now anglers are looking forward to the March Browns, which should start anytime. It's been a very good season so far on Fishing Creek. Cathy took me on a tour of our 1070 SPRING FLY FISHING  2015home waters and where the guided fishing takes place and although I'm not an angler (yet!), I can see why everyone wants to come to Fishing Creek. Beyond the great trout, the scenery is just beautiful. We were walking along the stream and it felt like there was no one else around for 100 miles. How peaceful!

Anyway, we've also had some changes in the office. As I mentioned a few months ago, Nancy has mostly retired so we're all working together to keep things going smoothly. She has done such a great job that it's pretty big shoes to fill but we're doing the best we can. She's taking this time to enjoy her grandsons and I know they are keeping her very busy!

Eddie, who if you don't know him, is our techi guy. He's only in the office one day a week but we call on him more often than that. Right now he's updating laptops for Cathy & Barry's travel needs and making sure our computers here in the office are as fast as they can be. We just recently got higher speed internet out here (yes we really are out in the middle of nowhere), which means we can do more uploading and streaming. He's pretty impressed with the service we get "all the way out here".

I'm also working on updating the web site for 2016. It seems so far away but in reality we're almost half way through 2015. We have a few confirmed trips already scheduled for next year including Chile for January 9-16, New Zealand February 2-16, Argentina Feb 28-March 20, Alaska August 6-13 and Mongolia September 26- October 3. These will be live on our coverssite soon but in the meantime if anything sounds interesting to you, don't hesitate to give us a call and I'll be glad to give you more information. From our photography end, Barry and I have been busy working on submissions for late summer magazines. We just landed the covers of American Angler and Montana Outdoors for May/June. We've also been back and forth with Field & Stream for some upcoming issues that we're excited about. Make sure you grab a copy of these magazines when you're out shopping!

Cathy & Barry are at Rockwell Springs Trout Club in Sandusky, Ohio, this week conducting fly fishing schools and clinics. They've been doing RSTC clincs for 20 or so years and have made many friends and always look forward to returning each year.

As I look at their upcoming schedule, there is still one room open at Holbox, Mexico, in July that we're hoping to fill and a couple rooms open on the Bighorn in August. If you're still looking to schedule a summer fishing trip, give us a call.

We hope you are having a great Spring and from all of us here at Beck Photography, Happy Casting!

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Don't forget Mother's Day this Sunday

mothers-day-banners-14440 Fly Fishing School

Need a last minute idea? How about a day of guided fishing for you and her? Get her out of the house, away from the job (or kids), and spend an enjoyable day on the stream with one of our guides. We still have a few days available in May and June for prime time fishing. We'll email you a certificate which you can print and slip into a card. Presto! Your shopping is done.  

bea$395 for 2 anglers. Lunch is included and any needed tackle.

Beginner or novice?No problem. Make it more special with a night at our local B&B. Lots of options. Check our web site for complete details and then give us a call or email. We've got you covered and you'll be a big star!

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 570-925-2392



Also, we came across a great article on catch-and-release techniques from Patagonia Clothing Company we wanted to share with you. It's interesting and we hope you'll take time to read it. There is new information on fish survival and recovery all the time and we think you might learn some new tips. I know we did.


And lastly this week, we have a few openings on upcoming trips. It's not too late to plan a get-away this summer or fall:

Holbox, Mexico (tarpon) - 1 room, July 6-13
Africa, Photo Safari - 1 spot/shared tent, 7/23-8/4 or 8/4-16
Bighorn River (trout) - 2 rooms, second week, 8/29-9/5
Spain - (trout) - 1 room, 10/13-20
Tres Valles (trout) - 1 room, 11/27-12/7

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