Don't Give Up on Winter
Winter has arrived. Gone are the warm early November days we so much enjoyed and with them go any hopes of finding rising fish. On the other hand, any day that the air temperatures rise above freezing we can and will get back out there. With the right gear and the right flies we can still catch fish. We will concentrate on the warmest part of the afternoon and our flies of choice will be tungsten bead head nymphs or if push comes to shove, glow bugs and squirmy wormies. If we find off color water it might be a slowly retrieved black super bugger. It will be important to get the fly down to where we expect the fish to be and a weighted streamer given time to sink will be in order. So break out the down jackets, wool socks, fleece buffs and hand warmers..... and don't forget a thermos of hot coffee. We'll see you out there.
The Thoughtful Robot
Michigan guide, Russ Maddin, hits the nail on the head with his observations and suggestions on being an effective streamer fisherman. There is a lot more to this art then just casting and stripping as you'll discover. It's an excellent interview and he makes some some very good points. Thank you Russ and MidCurrent for bringing it to us. Click here to read the article
Our 2017 Trip Schedule
Jan 12-23- Coyhaique River Lodge, Chile (trout)
Feb 12-Feb 20 - Laguna Verde/Tecka, Argentina (trout)
Mar 16-27 - Patagonia, Tres Valles, Argentina (trout)
Mar 25-April 10 - Patagonia, Argentina (trout)
May 6-13 - Belize River Lodge, Belize (tarpon, bones, etc)
June 20-30 - Ireland (trout/salmon)
July 28-August 11 - East Africa (photo safari)
Aug 19-Aug 26 - Bighorn, Montana (trout)
Aug 26-Sept 2 - Bighorn, Montana (trout)
Oct 13-22 - Pyrennes, Spain (trout)
Nov 30-Dec 11 - Patagonia, Tres Valles, Argentina (trout)